ICAO english proficiency

English language plays a key role in the aviation radio communication. It is widely used by all states of ICAO. Every pilot who wants to operate in the international airspace must have an entry into a license confirming the knowledge of English language at least at the operational level, called the ICAO Level 4. ICAO Level 4 is valid for four years, ICAO Level 5 is valid for 6 years while the ICAO Level 6, the highest level, is bestowed for life and frees the pilot from the obligation to re-approach the exam. To participate in the course we encourage both licensed pilots as well as student-pilots and candidates who are thinking about independent flying beyond the borders of any country having ICAO english proficiency.

Preparatory courses along with an examination of aviation phraseology in English according to ICAO standards are organized periodically by collecting the number of applicants.

The cost of the test together with the refreshing-preliminary course are established individually for each interested student or group of students. You are welcome!

After obtaining a positive exam result you can obtain an entry in the license. In accordance with § 9. 1 Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 2 September 2013, on the licensing of aviation personnel license or authorization is issued at the request submitted to the President Office (No. 17 / LPL-1), which is available here.

Language requirements for a given level of proficiency in accordance with the ICAO:
